Monday, August 18, 2008

Mass Market Beauty!

Now I know that it's the done thing on blogs to try and focus on very high end, exclusive and elusive products but the thing is that there are lots of standard fragrances which deserve a mention as well these I shall christen Mass Market Beauties. Why? Well simply put because that's exactly what they are, the odd occasions when massive fashion corporations get it just right!My first nomination is Tommy Hilfiger's True Star Men, fronted originally at least by Enrique Iglesias. This is a sweet scent with a beautiful counter point of rich sour notes. The top notes include grapefruit and base notes include a rich vanilla. These two notes should alone indicate the rich contrapuntal melody that this fragrance possess teasing the sense with the correct balance of soft and sharp notes. This fragrance is comparatively cheap when considered against the more upscale ones normally mentioned at length in fragrance blogs but no less worth the having. It's complex and beautiful collogne for simply beautiful price and in my opinon thats as close to perfection as Tommy will ever get.

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